My knowledge of the sector as a long time professional, I keep myself fully informed of the latest national developments.
My knowledge of nationally recognised good practice, along with years of experience and expertise, provides me with an up-to-date understanding and insight relating to the organisation and delivery of offsite visits and adventurous activities to schools. This is not easy to find.
Educational visits are amongst the highest risk activities undertaken by educational establishments. The diverse and wide ranging types of educational visits, off-site activities and learning outside the classroom bring students, educational staff and volunteers into contact with a wide assortment of hazards and dangers not normally found on educational sites.
Employers must understand that they carry full legal responsibility. Choosing not to appoint a technical expert leaves them in a vulnerable position. In the event of any proven civil negligence, this can result in the payment of heavy damages. In the case of criminal negligence under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) or under Corporate Manslaughter legislation (2008), the ultimate sanction is a custodial sentence.
You will have direct contact with a real person (not a system) dedicated to providing an excellent service including support out of school hours – after school/evenings/weekends/school holidays.
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